I-Can is happy to offer our free publications, filled with helpful tips and resources. as downloadable PDFs below. If you are unable to download or read them, click here to download Adobe Acrobat Reader for free.
Hard copies are available by calling the iCAN at 916.273.3603 or contacting by email at

“Parole Hearings: A Guide for Victims”
Guides readers through the lifer parole hearing process by providing tips on how to dress, what to bring to the hearing, how to write an impact statement and how to be most effective when addressing the Parole Commissioners. Deputy District Attorneys that participate in lifer parole hearings on a regular basis, and other experts in the parole hearing process, contributed to this booklet to make it the most comprehensive of its

“Know Your Rights”
Victims’ rights in the parole hearing process can be confusing. We have provided the legal definition of victim as it pertains to rights at a parole hearing, summarized the victim’s rights, family member rights and the difference between a support person and a representative and who can be designated as such.